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Page last updated on: Friday, March 3, 2017

IOTA News from OPDX

4 March, 2017

Island activities:

EU-025. Members from Radio Club Leuven will participate as IO9R during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 25-26th) from Sicily Island as a Multi-2 entry. Operators mentioned are Orazio/IT9BTI, Simone/IT9YAO, Stefaan/ON4FG, Eric/ON4LN, Rony/ON4CU, Louis/ON5EN, Marc/ON6NG, Jacques/ON7JB, Walter/ON7PX and Patrick/ON8PL. QSL Manager is ON3AR.

EU-092. Jim, MM0BQI, will be active as MM0BQI/p from Tanera Mor (IOSA SC10, SCOTIA CN32), Summer Isles, during July. Activity will include an entry in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 29-30th) as a Single-Op entry using his contest callsign GM1J. QSL both callsigns via MM0BQI, direct, by the Bureau and LoTW.

NA-072. Operators Ricardo/HP1RIS and Massimo/HP1MAC will be active as H91IT from Taboga Island between April 14-16th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB with a vertical dipole and End-Fed antennas. QSL via HP1RCP (Radio Club de Panama).

NA-079. Operators Nelson/NE4LS and John/KE4IDW will be active as N4T
from the Loggerhead Key Lighthouse & Garden Key Lighthouse, about 70 miles west of Key West in the Dry Tortugas National Park, between April 21-24th, 2017. Activity will be on CW/QRP (NE4LS) and SSB/20w (KE4IDW). There may be a possibility of some 6m, 2m and 432 MHz. QSL will be by paper only via NE4LS. No LoTW, eQSL or other electronic QSLing.

OC-136. Chris, VK3FY, will once again be active as VK3FY/P from Phillip
March 11-13th. Activity will be on various HF bands.
QSL via M0OXO or OQRS.

OC-267. (Update) Andrey, VK5MAV, will be active as VK9MAV from Marion Reef, Coral Sea Islands, Territory North, between May-June 2017.
Please note that this operation will count as Australia for DXCC.
He states, "Exact dates to be advised. They depend on weather and boat availability - it's 400 km trip in open sea. Hopefully cyclone season will be finished than. Fishing boat will drop me off and come back 6 days later (hopefully).... I will stay on the reef for 6 days alone as usual. Sorry, no internet access from there, just satphone for emergency case (hopefully won't be used for such purpose). 
Activity will be mainly 20/15 meters using an Icom IC-7200 transceiver w/100w, 20/15m VDAs and multi-dipole antennas. Logs will be uploaded when back to mainland.
QSL via ClubLog's OQRS or via RN3RQ for Bureau QSLs (It will take 5-6 months). For more details, watch:

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