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IOTA news from the DARC

Page last updated on: Friday, March 10, 2017

IOTA News from the
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club

10 March, 2017

Island activities:
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz

AF-014; CT3, Madeira Archipelago: Rosel/DL3KWR and Hardy/DL3KWF will be back on Madeira. QRV between March 9 and April 5 signing CT9/homecalls, mostly on WARC bands (CW) and 60m. QSL via h/c (d/B).

AS-026; HL4, Cheju-Do Province (Cheju Island) group: Taka/JA8COE activates Cheju Island (WLOTA 0686) from the 8th to 11th as HL4/JA8CAE on HF (CW, SSB, RTTY). QSL via JA8COE (d/B), ClubLog OQRS.

AS-126; HS, Malay Peninsula South West group: Choon E20HHK/p operates from Lip Island on March 11 & 12. QSL via h/c (d/B).

NA-041; KL, Alexander Archipelago: Mikhail/VE7ACN will be active from Prince of Wales Island (USi AK-001S) as KL7/VE7ACN between the 8th and 20th. QRV on HF, with a focus on 160, 80, and 30m. QSL via VE7ACN (d/B), ClubLog OQRS.

SA-061; CE5/6, La Araucania Reion/ Los Lagos Region North group:
Members of the Radio Club de los Andes and the North Patagonia DX Group operate from Mocha Island (DICE ICE-601, WLOTA 0684, CEFF-0067) between March 8 and 13 as XR5M on HF and 6m (CW, SSB).
Operators are CE6VMO, LU1YW, LU7YS, LU7DW, LU3VMS, LU8VCC und
LU7VCH. QSL via IK2DUW (d/B), LoTW.

Deutscher Amateur Radio Club

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