DX News -- ARRL DX Bulletin #21:
from W1AW Bulletin via the ARRL on May 25, 2017Add a comment about this article!
DX Bulletin 21 ARLD021
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT May 25, 2017
To all radio amateurs
DX Bulletin 21 ARLD021
>From ARRL Headquarters
Newington CT May 25, 2017
To all radio amateurs
ARLD021 DX news
ARLD021 DX news
This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all.
KUWAIT, 9K. Abdallah, 9K2GS will be QRV as 9K2K in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest as an All Band entry. QSL direct to home call.
MADEIRA ISLANDS, CT3. Serge, R7KW and Oleg, YL3JM are QRV as CT9/home calls from Madeira Island, IOTA AF-014, until May 28. They will be QRV as CT9/R7KW in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL both calls via K2PF.
CANARY ISLANDS, EA8. Jack, R2AA will be QRV as EG8AA from AF-004 in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via RW3RN.
FRANCE, F. Special event station TM500LH is QRV until May 31 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of Le Havre. QSL via F6KOH.
ENGLAND, G. Paul, M0XDX and Mark, M0NCG are QRV as GB1HMB until June 2 to provide points for the Beaches on the Air award program. Activity is mainly on 40 and 20 meters, and possibly 10 and 6 meters if conditions permit. QSL via operators' instructions.
MARKET REEF, OJ0. Pasi, OH3WS will be QRV as OJ0W from May 27 to June 3. Activity will be in his spare time mostly on 30 and 60 meters using CW. QSL direct to home call.
ARUBA, P4. Operators DJ4MZ, DL5KUT, DL5RMH and DL6RAI are QRV as P4/home calls until May 28. They will be QRV as P44X in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest as a Multi Operator entry. QSL P44X via DO4MX and all others to home calls.
NETHERLANDS, PA. A group of operators are QRV with special event call sign PA150LIM until June 10 to mark the 150th anniversary of the province Limburg. Activity is on the HF and V/UHF bands. This includes an entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via PD0MHZ.
GREECE, SV. Members of the Radio Amateur Union of North Aegean are QRV as J48GEO from the Geo Park on Lesvos, IOTA EU-049, until June 23. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and various digital modes. During the Geopark weekend they will be located at the Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest. QSL direct to SZ8LSV.
PALAU, T8. Naoki, JS3LSQ is QRV as T88WJ until May 29. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using mostly RTTY. QSL to home call.
CONGO (REPUBLIC OF), TN. Ken, LA7GIA is QRV as TN5E from Brazzaville until June 4. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters, and possibly 6 meters. QSL via M0OXO.
ASIATIC RUSSIA, UA0. Vlad, UA0FAM will be QRV as UA0FAM/p from Kunashir Island, IOTA AS-025, for one week beginning on May 29. Activity will be on the HF bands. QSL to home call.
CANADA, VE. Bob, VE1RSM is QRV with special call sign XM1150CAN and will be active in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest on all bands. QSL via bureau.
MONTSERRAT, VP2M. George, K2DM is QRV as VP2MDG until May 29. This includes being active as a Single Op/All Band entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL direct to home call.
BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, VP2V. Kevin, K6TOP will be QRV as VP2V/K6TOP from May 28 to June 5. Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands. QSL via NR6M.
TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS, VP5. Art, KZ5D is QRV as VP5/KZ5D until May 31. He will be active as VQ5D in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via operator's instructions.
MEXICO, XE. A group of operators will be QRV as XF2L from Isla de Lobos, IOTA NA-221, in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via operators' instructions.
ZIMBABWE, Z2. Tom, KC0W is QRV as Z25DX until June 18. Activity is on 80 to 6 meters using CW. QSL direct to home call.
ALBANIA, ZA. Henning, OZ1BII is QRV as ZA/OU2I from Golem until May 29. Activity is on the HF bands with a focus on 30, 17 and 12 meters. This includes being a Single Op/All Band/Low Power entry in the CQ World Wide WPX CW contest. QSL via OU2I.
ST. HELENA, ZD7. Peter, ZD7FT has been active on 17 and 15 meters at various times. QSL via operator's instructions.
THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The CQ World Wide WPX CW Contest, NCCC RTTY Sprint, NCCC CW Sprint, SARL Digital Contest and QRP ARCI Hootowl CW Sprint will certainly keep contesters busy this upcoming weekend.
The Phone Fray and CWops Mini-CWT CW Test are scheduled for May 31.
Please see May QST, page 87, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details.
Source: W1AW Bulletin via the ARRL.
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