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Page last updated on: Thursday, January 12, 2017

IOTA News from the
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club

12 January, 2017

Island activities:
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz

AS-004; 5B/ZC, Cyprus Island: Steve/G0SGB is going to operate from the UK Base Area as ZC4SB between Jan. 11 and 25. QRV on 80, 40, and 20m (SSB, CW), running 100W and dipoles. QSL via G0SGB (d).
AS-153; VU, West Bengal State group: Members of the West Bengal Radio Club (VU2MQT) will be active from Ganga Sagar Mela from the 9th to 17th as AU2WBR. QSL via VU2NRO.
NA-096; HH/HI, Hispaniola: Dale/N3BNA and Harry/N3FMO will be operating as HH8/N3BNA and HH8/N3FMO from Haiti between Jan. 13 and 25. QSL via homecalls (d), LoTW.
OC-019; KH6, Hawaiian Islands: Andy/VE7AHA will be paying Big Island (USi HI-025S, WLOTA 0065) a visit from Jan. 14 until March 11 and sign KH6/VE7AHA during that time. QSL via h/c (d), LoTW.
SA-002; VP8, Falkland Islands: Dave/VP8CLE and Carol/VP8DKW will be active from Saunders Island between the 15th and 22nd on 160 and 80m (maybe also other bands) on RTTY, PSK, CW, and SSB. QSL via G1OCN (d).
SA-072; PR8, Maranhao State East group: A group of Brazilian hams (Robert/PT2GTI, Daniel/ PT7BI, Junior/PS8DX, Jesus/PS8ET, and Ilo/PS8JIF) are going to activate Poldros Island (WW Loc. GI97cg, PYFF- 0024, DIB MA-03) on all bands (SSB, CW, digital modes) between Jan. 14 and 18. QRV with the call ZZ8P. QSL via PT2GTI, ClubLog, LoTW.
Deutscher Amateur Radio Club

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