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IOTA News from the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club

1 March, 2016

Island activities:
CW: 28040 24920 21040 18098 14040 10114 7030 3530 kHz
SSB: 28560 28460 24950 21260 18128 14260 7055 3760 kHz
AS-003; 4S, Sri Lanka Island: Heidi/DK1MA, Sid/DM2AYO, Rolf/DL7VEE,
Dietmar/DL2HWA, Werner/DJ9KH, Georg/DL4SVA, Norbert/DL2RNS,
Guenter/DL2AWG, Klaus/DK1AX, and Juergen/DL3HRH are all going on a
holiday-trip to Bentota on Sri Lanka (WW Loc. NJ06aj). QRV in a
relaxed way with two stations as 4S7GWG and 4S7RTG on 40-6m (CW,
SSB, RTTY). Prefered frequencies: CW - 7026, 10119, 14026, 18086,
21026, 24906, 28026 kHz SSB - 7095/7182, 14210, 21275, 24955, 28465
kHz RTTY - 7046, 10137, 14090, 18099, 21090, 24918, 28090 kHz 6m -
50120/CW and 50120/SSB. QSL prefered via ClubLog OQRS, LoTW; 4S7GWG also via DL2AWG(d/B), 4S7RTG via DL7VEE (d/B).
AS-145; HS, Malay Peninsula South East group: Members of the Southern Thailand DX Club activate Maeo Island from the 2rd to 5th as E20HHK/p. The team consists of E20HHK, HS3NBR, HS8GLR, HS9HK, HS8JCV, E23CAL und E24NNG. QSL via E20HHK (d/B).
EU-023, 9H, Malta group: Rene/DL2JRM operates as 9H3YY from Malta
between March 6 and 9 on HF. QSL via DL2JRM (d/B).
EU-038; PA, Noord Holland/ Friesland/ Groningen Province group:
Marcel/PD5MVH activates Ameland (ARLHS NET-001) from the 5th to
19th, signing his call /p. QSL via PD5MVH (d/B).
EU-085; R1P, Kolguev Island: Mike/UA1QV will be active from Kolguev
between March 5 and 19 as RI1PA. QSL via UA1QV (d).
EU-127; DL, Schleswig-Holstein State South West group: Helgoland
Island (GIA N-14, WLOTA 0518, WW Loc. JO34we) will be put on the air by a group of operators bewteen the 5th and 13th of March. QRV as DA0HEL on HF (SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK, JT65). Weather conditions permitting they will also try to activate Duene (GIA N-15) with the
call DL0IH. QSL via DF6QC (d/B).
NA-033; HK0, San Andres Island: A Polish group consisting of
Bob/SP2EBG, Jan/SP3CYY, Jurek/SP3GEM, Janusz/SP6IXF, Roman/SP9FOW, Piotr/ SP9RCL, Woj/SP9PT, and Janusz/SQ2OFS activates San Andres Island (WW Loc. EK92dm) with the call 5J0P from March 6 to 21. QRV on HF and 6m; QSL prefered via ClubLog OQRS, or via SP6IXF (d/B).
Compiled by Andreas, DK5ONDeutscher Amateur Radio Club

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