IOTA News from OPDX
6 November, 2017
Island activities:
AF-045. Operators John/6W7JX, Ouzin/6W1PZ, Tafa/6W1KI and Jul/6W1QL will be active as 6V1A from Goree Island between December 15-17th. Activity will be on CW and SSB on all bands using a FT-1000 and Icom 7300 with 150 watts into dipoles G5RV/ Kelemen. QSL info TBA.
AF-111. (5L3BI Baiyah Island Update) Col, MM0NDX, reported on "DX-", November 1st: After trying for 2 days the 5L3BI team couldn't make a landing. Way too dangerous. Jeremy/EI5GM and Col/MM0NDX almost capsized next to rock. The swell around the rock never eased. There's lots more to say but not at this moment in time."
OC-129. Mike, DF8AN, will be active as DU7/DF8AN from Negros Island between November 5-16th. Activity will be on various HF bands using CW, RTTY, FT8 and PSK. QSL via DF8AN.
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