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J79XE Dominica Island NA-101 [Update]

22 June 2016
Howard, WB4WXE, informs DxCoffee Readers:
“Here on Dominica now, mainly looking for 6 meter openings, but will be on WARC and 20 meters when 6 is dead.   On 6 meters running 6 element Yagi and 600 watts.  WARC bands 2 element Yagi and half wave sloper on 20 meters.   Last day on will be early part of 10 July.
QSL via WB4WXE all info on”
 22 June 2016
Howard, WB4WXE, will be active again from Dominica Island, IOTA NA-101, 
22 June to 11 July 2016 as J79XE.
Active on 40 – 6m.
QSL via home call.

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